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American Readers Theatre promotes literacy through the arts, including dance, drama, film, music, and visual art.  The events page of their website presents an up-to-date list of upcoming performances.

American Red Cross Eastern Pennsylvania Region serves more than 6 million people in Pennsylvania, including Pike County. Volunteers and staff work to deliver vital services, providing relief and support to those in crisis and helping with emergency response preparedness.

Barryville Area Arts Association aspires to create a better world by supporting the arts in the Barryville area.  They work to empower artists, satisfy the souls of art lovers, and promote the use of art as a way to foster acceptance and understanding.

Black Bear Film Festival, held each October at the Milford Theater, produces a program that embraces the essence of film making with thought-provoking content.  It supports innovative and independent films, artistic expression, education, diversity, and cultural enhancement.

Center for Developmental Disabilities (CDD) provides early educational and therapeutic services for children from birth through kindergarten with a specialization in children with developmental disabilities and delays.  It focuses on the individual needs of students and on maximizing each child’s potential.  CDD also educates the community and advocates on behalf of children and families.

Central Volunteer Fire Department, Lackawaxen Township, founded in 1949, is a fully volunteer fire and rescue organization. Volunteers are always needed.  The volunteers of Lackawaxen Township fire departments save taxpayers thousands of tax dollars; volunteer opportunities range from firefighting to scene support to office help.

Choosing Integrity supports men and women in custody and/or recently released.  Staff and volunteers are at Pike County Correctional Facility several times weekly to befriend, teach, and challenge participants in character development, integrity, resilience, recovery, and employment.  Post-release support includes mentoring, personal coaching, counseling, and referrals.

DanceFest Milford, a project of Delaware Dancers, supports the art of dance, engaging the community and educating the public about all aspects of dance, performance, and identity.  It provides cutting edge, high-caliber artistic dance companies, and free community events; it also delivers additional visitors to Milford to benefit local businesses and organizations.

Delaware Highlands Conservancy is an accredited land trust working in the Upper Delaware River region of Pennsylvania and New York. Since the organization was founded in 1994, we have protected more than 18,000 acres of working farms and forests, clean waters, and wildlife habitat.

(Delaware Valley) DV Educational Foundation‘s purpose is to establish a broad-based, non-profit community organization, whose purpose is exclusively educational and charitable and to secure resources from individuals, corporations, community organizations and foundations to be distributed to support programs for the benefit of the students in the Delaware Valley School District.

Dingmans Ferry Theatre‘s mission is to inspire, nurture, challenge, amaze, educate and empower artists and audiences, in order to make the Dingmans Ferry and Pike County public a more conscious and compassionate community. Dingmans Ferry Theatre is an alternative performance company with a priority commitment to help develop original theatre artists from our area — particularly those whose work is experimental in form and/or challenging in content.

Dingman Township Volunteer Fire Department is a progressive department that provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical service to residents in Dingman Township as well as the surrounding area on an automatic/mutual aid basis.

Ecumenical Food Pantry of Pike County is an all-volunteer agency that for 31 years has provided free, supplemental groceries and other necessities year-round to our neighbors in need. We know from experience, that so many of us can be just one adverse incident away from needing that help. We distribute every Friday between noon and 1:00 p.m. and again from 6:30–7:30 p.m. Our funding comes from voluntary donations from local governments, agencies, businesses, and individuals.

Epilepsy Foundation Eastern Pa. serves Pike, Wayne, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne and Susquehanna Counties. We educate, facilitate, and advocate for those with epilepsy/seizure disorders. We do seizure recognition and first aid training for teachers and students, police, EMTS, and the general public.

Family Promise of Monroe County provides emergency shelter, meals and support services to at-risk and homeless children and their families. Last year, Family Promise provided emergency shelter to 36 families. In addition to emergency shelter, Family Promise provides housing assistance programs including rent and utility assistance, mortgage assistance, transportation, and childcare assistance.

Family Service Association of Northeaster Pennsylvania, a not-for-profit, non-sectarian organization, provides diverse services to children, individuals, seniors, and families, empowering them to achieve their full potential, resulting in healthier relationships and stronger communities.

Friends of Marie Zimmerman is dedicated to sharing the legacy of art, history, and architecture that is embodied in the Zimmerman house and farm in the Delaware Water Gap National Park.

GAIT Therapeutic Riding Center was established in 1995 specifically to incorporate horses into the lives of people with special needs to result in a more independent life for each individual. It is a Federal 501(c)(3) non profit organization and Pennsylvania Charitable Organization in the human services profession. Our horses are specifically chosen and trained to be responsive to the emotions and body language of participants.

Green Trees Early Learning Center, formerly known as The Good Shepherd Child Care Center, is located in Milford at 102 State Route 2001. It has continuously served Pike County since 1985. Green Trees serves children from age 6 weeks through 12 years, and provides summer and before and after-school programs in addition to its all-day programs.

Grey Towers National Historic Site offers a museum and education programs and manages a conservation leadership development program and conference center.  All initiatives strive to perpetuate the Pinchot conservation legacy, and each year many thousands of visitors gain inspiration from the abundance and history of Grey Towers.

Growing Older Together‘s mission is to provide residents aged 60 and older, in Wayne County, PA, western Sullivan County, NY, and adjacent areas, both the practical means and social connections to live independently in their homes.

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical, Christian housing ministry that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.  Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races, and religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need.

Hannah Q Dance Company‘s mission is to spread the fantastic art form of Dance to the world, by creating, choreographing Hanna Q’s  original dance works, to be performed by her dancers and enjoyed, experienced  by the public. Choreographing about emotional and other issues in life she connects with the audience own feeling or thoughts. Hanna Q makes awareness and  wants to lets you know you are not alone. She wants to open minds, hearts for tolerance and understanding, with her choreography.

Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County was founded in December 1995 with the mission of preserving sites and structures throughout Pike County and was instrumental in the establishment of the Milford National Historic District in 2002.  The Trust has two primary functions:  1) Implementing projects throughout the county to preserve historic sites and structures; 2) Advocating for historic preservation by providing information and education.

Holy Trinity Food Pantry, via Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Dingmans Ferry, offers emergency food assistance in accordance with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.  Eligibility is based on federal income guidelines.

The Human Resources Foundation was founded in 2015 by a mother’s wish for her son and everyone who shares his life challenges.The mission of The Human Resources Foundation is to enhance the quality of life and well-being of individuals with disabilities throughout six counties in Northeastern PA.

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is a local, non-profit hospice that has provided community care for almost 40 years.  It provides a full continuum of high quality in-home medical, emotional, and spiritual services to individuals requiring hospice, their family members, and the community.  It was designed to ensure that individuals with life-limiting illnesses receive gentle end-of-life care from exceptional clinicians.

Kindred Spirits Arts Programs: Founded in 2002 at Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, PA, the birthplace of the American conservation movement, Kindred Spirits Arts Programs sees its goal in awakening, through music and art, a greater appreciation and sensitivity to the beauty and value of nature.

Lackawanna College, Lake Region Center provides educational opportunities for residents in Wayne and Pike counties.  The state-of-the-art academic center in the historic Silk Mill in Hawley provides business and industry training and continuing education courses along with traditional degree and certificate programs. Students have the option to complete many degree requirements at the Lake Region Center.

Lackawaxen River Conservancy‘s purpose is the preservation of the Lackawaxen River, its watershed, wildlife and natural beauty. The Conservancy was formed by a committed group of citizens in 2021 and encourages the awareness and enlightened stewardship of the river through our participation in community events, and we do cleanups along the river.

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater PA and WV creates moments of joy and happiness for courageous and special children whose lives are circumscribed by pain, fear, and uncertainty. We fulfill the special wishes of children between the ages of 2½ and 18 who have diagnosed with progressive, degenerative, life-threatening medical conditions. As of today, more than 20,000 children and their families have benefited from the magic that comes from having a wish fulfilled.

Milford American Legion Post 139: The American Legion is built on a promise from men and women who swore with their lives to defend and protect the United States through military service. The promise begins at enlistment, grows through training and discipline in the U.S. Armed Forces and continues after discharge, as veterans in service to community, state and nation.

Milford Borough Council: The Borough of Milford is not only a lovely place to visit, it is a wonderful place to live. It is surrounded by so much history as seen in its beautiful Historic District. The Borough has a great sense of community and pride. The Milford Borough Council, comprised of seven members and the mayor, work diligently on various items that are presented to them. They are the voice of the people who live here.

Milford Community House (MCH) was established by the Pinchot family to care for and manage the Pinchot Homestead. In 1924, it became the Pike County Public Library. With the completion of the new library, MCH has restored the building for new uses. It includes a public information contact station, restrooms, offices for nonprofit organizations, and the Community Room, which can be used by any nonprofit for meetings, events, lectures, music, or educational programs.

Milford Enhancement Committee of the Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County is comprised of volunteers who work to make the Pike County, PA, county seat a better place to live, visit, and do business. The results are seen in new sidewalks, curbing, landscaping, and historic-style pedestrian lighting throughout much of Milford’s commercial district.

The Milford Garden Club was founded in 1937 and is an organization whose members are individuals who share an interest in plants and gardening, civic beautification and conservation of resources. Our mission is to study horticulture and related subjects, engage in projects contributing to the beautification of Milford, initiate and/or participate in other appropriate community or regional service projects and activities, cooperating with other groups engaged in the promotion of horticultural or beautification projects, conservation of natural resources, environmental protection and like objectives.

Milford Presents hosts events such as the Milford Music Festival, Toast To Milford, Girls Night Out, and many others to support and sustain community and commerce in Historic Milford, PA.

The Milford Readers & Writers Festival of Pike Artworks aims to inspire conversations between people who love to read books and people who write them.  Building on the timeless tradition of storytelling and the participatory energy of book clubs, they focus on the readers by inviting them to share their insights, queries, and responses directly with authors.

Milford Shade Tree Commission ensures that the trees lining the streets of the borough, adding to its beauty and charm, are protected and properly maintained.  The Borough has been designated as a Tree City USA.  Trees adjacent to most properties in the borough belong to the borough and cannot be removed or significantly altered without the permission of the Shade Tree Commission.

NCAC provides technical support for non-profits and community organizations in our region. We develop and offer resources, facilitate partnerships and collaborations and assist in the identification and implementation of governance and management best practices to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and the services and programs they offer.

PAWS of NEPA serves Pike, Wayne, Lackawanna, Susquehanna, and Monroe counties. PAWS provides financial assistance to pet owners who are struggling to afford veterinary care. Assistance is provided for non-urgent, non-routine care in the form of a one-time grant.

Penn State Extension, Pike County is a modern educational organization dedicated to delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities. It provides access to face-to-face and online education and takes advantage of opportunities for improvement and innovation.  Penn State has a long tradition of bringing unbiased support and education to the citizens of Pennsylvania.

Peters Valley School of Craft enriches lives through the learning, appreciation, and practice of the art of fine craft.  Located within the picturesque Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Peters Valley creates a unique opportunity for immersion learning.  Nestled in the midst of the beauty are state of the art studios with workshops run by professional artists from around the globe.  Peters Valley is an inclusive creative community that welcomes you to explore your potential.

Pike Autism Support Services(PASS) ) has been serving the autism & special needs community of Pike County for over 25 years. We provide trainings and support for parents/caregivers on advocacy and current best practices for supporting their loved ones. We are building an inclusive community by providing social & recreational opportunities to develop friendships and learn skills.

Pike County Area Agency on Aging is a public, not-for-profit, senior service agency providing resources and services to Pike County residents aged 60 years old and over.  Its mission is to assist them to remain in their homes safely, and to promote their quality of life.  The Agency is governed by Pike County Commissioners with guidance by the Area Agency on Aging’s Advisory Council.

Pike County Chamber of Commerce supports and accelerates our local economy through effective advocacy, business and leadership development, and professional community connections. Located in the historic Milford Community House, the Chamber is open Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM, and Saturday and Sunday from 9AM to 4PM.

The Pike County Economic Development Authority strives to strengthen the economic vitality of Pike County by implementing strategies and managing programs to attract, promote and sustain businesses and employment.For more than thirty years, the Pike County Economic Development Authority has enhanced the economic growth of this rural county.

Pike County Hands of Hope is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to providing compassion and hope to homeless or near-homeless families and individuals by meeting their basic, urgent needs of food, clothing, and shelter.  Programs include a volunteer-staffed hotline (the Hopeline), referral services, housing support, and monthly food distribution.

Pike County Historical Society at the Columns maintains and perpetuates the historical legacy of Pike County, a mission achieved through preservation, leadership, and education.  The Society acquires, preserves, and protects historical sites, artifacts, and records; provides active leadership in the areas of historic preservation, historic and cultural education, and community initiatives; and offers a wide range of opportunities to foster an appreciation for the culture, heritage, and history of Pike County.

Pike County Humane Society‘s primary mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by educating people in the humane treatment of all animals. To educate and indoctrinate society and individuals on the intricacies of having and owning pets by explaining the responsibility endowed by such ownership. To provide shelter, food and care for the lost, abandoned, abused and unwanted animals that come under our care. To evaluate prospective adopters and to find homes for these animals by way of, including but not limited to, special events, animal rescue organizations, advertising, television and radio media, internet access, etc. To educate people in the importance of spay and neuter programs and to function as an agent by making available a low cost spay and neuter program to address the overwhelming unwanted animal population.

Pike County Public Library: Since the early 1900s, the Pike County Public Library (PCPL) has served the educational, informational, and entertainment needs of both Milford and Dingman Townships. Committed to offering exceptional programs/services, in 2019, over 63,000 people visited our libraries with access to meeting rooms, public computers, free Wi-Fi, and thousands of books, DVDs, periodicals, and other technologies. The PCPL also offers weekly and monthly programs and clubs for all ages.

Pinchot Institute for Conservation strengthens forest conservation thought, policy, and action by developing innovative, practical, and broadly-supported solutions to conservation challenges and opportunities.  They accomplish this through nonpartisan research, education, and technical assistance on key issues influencing the future of conservation and sustainable natural resource management.  The Institute has offices in Washington, DC, Portland, OR, and Milford, PA.

Founded in 1975, Pocono Arts Council’s vision is to ensure the arts remain a vibrant cornerstone of community life throughout the Pocono region. It’s mission is to foster and support the arts through connection, education, and advocacy. They work to communicate the importance of arts and culture in our communities, advocate for more resources, provide connections to arts programming, and innovate to ensure the sustainability of the organization.

Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) advances environmental education, sustainable living, and appreciation for nature through hands-on experience in a national park.  The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is located in northeast Pennsylvania, within the boundaries of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DWGNRA). PEEC has been an independent 501© (3) nonprofit residential environmental education center since 1972, serving a national and international community of students, teachers, adult learners and professionals.

Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau‘s (PMVB) mission is to enhance the economic and environmental well-being of our region and members through the promotion of tourism and the comprehensive mar-keting of our destination.

The Shohola Railroad and Historical Society, popularly know as “The Caboose Group” was formed March 19, 1991 for the specific purpose of preserving and maintaining the Shohola Caboose. When the group’s constitution was completed in October of that year, its goal had been expanded to include the preservation of local history and railroad history, especially as it relates to the Shohola area.

Special Olympics Pennsylvania offers year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-style sports for children and adults with and without intellectual/developmental disabilities ages 8-80. We also have opportunities for young athletes programs (ages 2-7), as well as many opportunities to improve health and leadership abilities. SOPA is not only in the community, but also serves numerous school districts with unified sports as well as inclusive school activities. All of these options are at not costs to athletes, their families and volunteers.

St. Patrick’s Parrish a Catholic community in the Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania. St. Patrick’s is a welcoming Catholic Community in Milford, along the Delaware River, in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Sustainable Energy Education and Development Support (SEEDS) is a community-based organization in Northeastern Pennsylvania committed to developing local renewable energy infrastructure and promoting more sustainable living in our area. SEEDS was founded in 2008 by a group of passionate, engaged community members, and in 2009, registered as an official 501c3 non-profit.

Tri-State Chorale is a summer singing group composed of young adult to mature singers who enjoy performing a variety of choral works together. For more information please click “About” on our FaceBook page.

Tri-State Parkinson’s Project works to improve the quality of life for those living with Parkinson’s and their care partners by raising money to fund research to help find a cure, and by sponsoring Parkinson’s awareness, education, and exercise programs.  One of their biggest annual fundraisers is a community event called Pocono FoxTrot 5K Walk/Run.

Tri-State Pregnancy Center has been serving Matamoras and Milford, PA, and Port Jervis, NY, for over 20 years, providing free pregnancy testing, peer counseling, and material aid to women and families.

Tri-State Warming Station is a program of the Tri-State Interfaith Council, a coalition of various houses of worship throughout the community, governmental representatives, and nonprofit representatives focused on cooperating in mission.  It provides the homeless with a place to sleep and receive a hot meal during the winter.   It is located at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Port Jervis and open from 9PM. to 7AM from approximately December 1st to March 31st (as needed).

TriVersity Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity provides space and programs that welcome, support, and empower the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community living in and visiting the tri-state region; promotes acceptance of LGBTQ individuals through education; and advocates for social change that embraces diversity and eliminates oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

United Way of Pike County identifies, develops, and funds a full range of human services to alleviate hunger and homelessness and to meet critical needs of the community.  All monies raised in Pike County stay in Pike County.

Victims’ Intervention Program of Wayne and Pike Counties provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, harassment and assault, human trafficking, stalking and more. VIP is funded by grant and donations and therefore we are able to offer our services to victims and survivors at no cost to them. We work with people ages 5 and older, male, female and transgender. We provide crisis and post crisis services. The most recent addition to our services is our housing program. We are now able to house survivors up to 12 months. We can pay up to 100% of their rent, with the goal being that they contribute a little more each month until they can sustain it on their own. We provide many services to these individuals to help them become financially independent and self-sustainable.

Wayne County Community Foundation: The mission of the Wayne County Community Foundation is to preserve and enhance the quality of life for all people in Wayne County. The Foundation invests in our community by growing our permanent endowment, encouraging philanthropy and innovation, supporting charitable activities and assessing and addressing community needs.

Wayne Pike Adult Literacy Program provides skill improvement for adults who face barriers/challenges to their educational goals.  It supports adults in their endeavors to function as literate and contributing members of society by creating a comprehensive and fully coordinated adult literacy and basic education system; ensuring that all adults with limited literacy skills have the opportunity to pursue appropriate educational or job credentialing opportunities; assisting adults to fulfill their potential.


Your gift will support those local programs and non-profit organizations
that are most important to you.