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What is a community foundation?

A community foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit philanthropic institution created by civic volunteers for the long-term benefit of a defined geographic area. Community foundations enable donors to pursue their charitable objectives while realizing the best tax benefits allowed by law. Greater Pike Community Foundation’s service area encompasses the entire Pike County region.

How does a community foundation work?

It’s very simple. You donate assets and create a fund to support the charitable causes or community needs of your choice. The foundation engages professionals to manage its assets so that they will grow and provide maximum tax benefits and flexibility in your charitable giving, without the legal paperwork, time and expenses associated with administering your own foundation.

What services does a community foundation provide?

A community foundation enables donors to support their charitable priorities and also acts as a resource to identify local needs and coordinate cost-effective, long-term solutions.
We can help you:

  • Realize your charitable dreams
  • Make a difference in your community
  • Give now, or later, through your will or estate plan
  • Benefit from the maximum tax advantages for charitable donations
  • Create endowments for gifts in perpetuity, or designate individual grants each year
  • Make giving easy by handling all administrative duties, including tax reporting and audits
  • Award grants to a wide variety of regional causes: arts and culture, education, environment, health and human services, historic preservation, recreation, economic and neighborhood development, and more
  • Create and maintain scholarship funds to help students throughout the region.
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Your gift will support those local programs and non-profit organizations
that are most important to you.