Barbara J. Buchanan Grant

Barbara J. Buchanan was one of the great civic leaders of our era. Her philanthropy in Milford and Pike County was exceptional, providing support for a wide range of organizations in human services, the arts, historic preservation, and civic improvement.

Barbara’s generosity was legendary, but it wasn’t the only way she provided support. Always with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face, her charm brought people together and inspired them to work cooperatively to accomplish important goals.

She joined the Board of Directors of the Greater Pike Community Foundation in our infancy, helping to guide us through those critical early years, when we were establishing our credibility and educating the community as to the important role a community foundation could play. Barbara graciously agreed to be the honoree at our first annual gala, which established a precedent for Greater Pike to honor philanthropic leaders each year.

Greater Pike’s first fund was the Barbara J. Buchanan Fund, established in 2014, and it has subsequently provided financial support to more than 20 local organizations.

Before you apply, please read below:

Funding Criteria
Geographic preference will be given to nonprofits within the greater Pike community or to those providing programs and services to residents of the area.

Funding Priorities
The Foundation will make grants that enhance the quality of life for residents living in the greater Pike community.  All grants must be issued to the final recipient nonprofit organization that will actually administer the program or perform the service.

Organizations requesting support must have a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable status under the Internal Revenue Code. Consideration will be given to organizations that demonstrate active board leadership, comprehensive resource development plans which include income-generating activities, resource sharing, special support from individuals, and an efficient and effective administration of funds and programs.

Organizations may be sponsored by another not-for-profit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable status under the Internal Revenue Code. In this case, your grant application MUST include a letter from the organization confirming its fiscal sponsorship (please upload on the application form under Upload Required Documentation).  Awarded grant dollars will be issued to the sponsoring organization.

Greater Pike Community Foundation does not grant to:

  • Individuals
  • Religious programs of churches or other sectarian organizations
  • Political parties, campaigns, or candidates

Application Process

Please note that previous grant recipients must have all final reporting completed in order to be eligible for future grants from Greater Pike. If you have questions about the status of your grant report or for assistance with the reporting process, contact us at

Grant applications for the 2025 funding cycle will be accepted between February 10 and March 10, 2025, with awards announced in late March.


Please direct any questions to

Thank you!


Your gift will support those local programs and non-profit organizations that are most important to you.